Gay Models Starring

Ricco Fucks Adam

I met these latino studs while they were on vacation in LA from Las Vegas and I thought, “Okay, it’s time for Cockyboys to get their foreskin on” and invited them to do a scene. They had a “hookup in a public shower” fantasy they wanted to play out, and I wanted to watch them fuck, so it worked out well for all of us.

They start off “meeting” in the showers and then take off their towels to show off their big dicks for each other. It ain’t long before Ricco is slobbering on Adam’s big fat cock, and the two are making out furiously.

After some more oral play, Adam lays down on a bench so Ricco can eat his sweet ass out for a bit before he starts plowing him doggie style, and man does he give it to him hard! Next, Adam flips over on the bench so Ricco can fuck him missionary style.

At one point, Ricco actually manages to blow Adam WHILE he’s fucking him! That’s enough to send Adam over the edge, and soon he shoots his load all over his stomach. Ricco pulls out and creams all over Adam’s load. Well, at least you’ll have a video keepsake of your vacation together, boys! Check it.

Video by Cocky Boys

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Scene published on September 7th, 2009

FAQ about this scene

What fantasy are the actors playing out in this scene?

The actors are playing out a 'hookup in a public shower' fantasy.

What positions do the actors engage in during the scene?

The actors engage in doggie style and missionary positions during the scene.

Do the actors engage in oral sex?

Yes, the actors engage in oral play, with Ricco slobbering on Adam's big cock.

What is unique about Ricco's performance?

Ricco manages to blow Adam while fucking him, which sends Adam over the edge to shoot his load.

What happens at the end of the scene?

Adam shoots his load all over his stomach, and Ricco pulls out and creams all over Adam's load.

Date published: September 7th, 2009

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